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About us

The Royal Orchard Ratepayers’ Association (RORA) is a volunteer-led, membership-based organization. Formed in 2016, we are a voice and an advocate for the Royal Orchard community of Thornhill (City of Markham).

We strive to act as an advocate to protect and enhance our neighbourhood by:

  • Supporting communication and awareness of residents’ concerns

  • Listening to issues arising from different perspectives within the neighbourhood

  • Representing members and the greater community in a respectful manner 

  • Advocating for our community in dealings with all levels of government


The Royal Orchard community of Thornhill, in the City of Markham, Ontario, Canada is geographically bounded by:

  • Yonge Street on the West

  • Bayview Avenue on the East

  • The Ladies’ Golf Club of Toronto on the South

  • The Holy Cross Cemetery on the North.

Governance structure

The board

Comprised of residents of this area


Our current elected Board of Directors (2022-23) are as follows:

Past President

Mia Poscente




Lisa Sherin
Joan Klaassen

Alice Young

Deborah Martin-Downs

+ 4 vacancies

Honorary Director

Keith Irish,

Councillor Ward 1

Yonge North Subway Extension committee 

Dwight Richardson

Renata Richardson

Meetings and voting

Notice of the AGM and/or any Special General Meeting (SGM) shall be posted on the RORA website, with notice of at least seven days.  


An Executive Committee (EC) shall be elected at the AGM, from among General Members in good standing (GM), with a maximum of 10 (ten) voting EC members.


Each GM shall have one vote on issues that are put to a vote of the general membership.  The EC will determine what issues are to be voted on by the general membership.  Each GM must be present at the meeting in order to cast a vote.


Resolutions at AGM, SGM, and EC meetings shall be carried by simple majorities, with the exception of amendments to the Constitution which will require a two-thirds majority of all members present at the AGM.

At the first subsequent meeting of the newly elected EC, the minutes of the AGM will be considered, approved/confirmed, and published on the RORA website.

At all EC meetings, a quorum will consist of ‘Half +1’ of the existing voting members. In case of time sensitive issues, email voting on executive business may be conducted and is binding.


A bank account shall be opened in the name of RORA, at an approved financial institution. All cheques drawn on the account shall be signed by the Treasurer and a second EC member. The Treasurer shall keep a record of all income and expenditures, and report on these at EC meetings.  The Treasurer shall also present a report of income and expenditure at the AGM.

Executive committee

EC positions will include: President, Past-President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Board Member(s). EC positions are valid for one year, and will be renewed at the AGM, by vote or by acclamation in the event of only one candidate per position.


Each household may be represented by only one elected representative on the EC, in order to ensure a broad representation of community members.


Each apartment building, rental complex, Condominium Corporation, organization, association, council and board may be represented by only one elected representative on the EC, in order to ensure a broad representation of community members.


The EC can create sub-committees and define their mandate and powers. EC members are expected to participate on these subcommittees, as required. The EC can remove individuals from subcommittees by way of an ordinary resolution at any time.


The EC has the discretionary authority to remove any member who is absent from EC meetings more than five times in a membership year. The EC has discretionary authority to appoint a new member should a vacancy become available.

The EC shall not endorse any candidate in any public election (municipal, provincial or federal).  This provision does not prevent individual EC members from doing so as private citizens.

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