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What if Your Property is within YNSE Transit Corridor Land?

On May 1, 2023, Metrolinx sent letters to residents whose property is located on, or within 30 metres of, the transit corridor land designated by the province under the Building Transit Faster Act, 2020 for the Yonge North Subway Extension (YNSE). Titles on properties will include a notice about being located on or, within 30 metres of the transit corridor land.

Impact for Affected Residents

Notice on Title

The designation, pursuant to the Building Transit Faster Act, 2020 ensures Metrolinx has the means to coordinate planned building, excavation, water drainage work with homeowners and has access to property for transit planning.

Metrolinx is in the process of registering the notices on the 30,000 properties identified along the entire YNSE (Finch Ave to High Tech Rd). This may take up to six months to complete. RORA has asked Metrolinx to provide affected homeowners with the wording of the notice. This will alleviate the necessity of homeowners paying the cost of a title search in order to ascertain the text of the notice.

Metrolinx has confirmed that the notice on title will be removed once construction is complete and the YNSE is in service. RORA has asked Metrolinx to remove notices in a staged manner as major project elements are completed (e.g. tunnels, stations, and systems).

Getting Permits for Planned Work

Metrolinx has clarified that the following type of work on residential properties will NOT require a permit:

  • Interior construction activities including renovation, restoration, reconstruction, and alteration such as painting, plumbing repairs, electrical repairs, heating/ventilation/furnace repairs, wood and wall reconstruction and repairs

  • Façade work – replacing in-kind windows, recladding, and roofing (non-structural or material alterations)

  • Finishing or repairing an existing basement, except basement underpinnings with a depth greater than 0.5m

  • Driveway/entryway/pathway repairs or repaving

  • Private tree planting

  • Temporary tent

  • Replacement and new fences and uncovered platforms with less than 0.5m deep excavation

  • Repairing or new landscaping features less than 1-metre in height and/or less than 0.5m deep excavation

  • Excavation for burial or exhumation activities that extend up to a maximum depth of 2.6m (8.5 ft)

  • Erection of monuments, headstones or statues that involve foundations up to a maximum depth of 1.25m (4 ft)

Metrolinx advises homeowners who have questions about their upcoming plans to contact: to discuss their requirements.

The permit review/approval process could take 20 to 30 business days from the date Metrolinx receives a complete permit application package. There is no charge for the Metrolinx permit. Per RORA’s request, Metrolinx will look into reducing the length of the review period. An additional permit could also be required from the City of Markham, depending on the type of work being done (for which there is a fee).

Precise Location of Homeowners’ Property in the TLC and Buffer

RORA has asked Metrolinx to provide affected homeowners with detailed maps that delineate where their properties fall within the TLC and buffer, as well as the exact location of the subway tunnels and distance in metres of the tunnels from homeowners' properties.

Metrolinx has agreed to consider this request.


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